You’re Not Alone

We know the feeling and we are here for you

Welcome to the support page. Here you can find out where to access support if you have experienced public sexual harassment

Dedicated Support Organisations

Samaritans is for anyone who's struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgment or pressure. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they are taking action to prevent the crisis. They give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others.

Young Minds has brilliant resources on how to cope with different emotions as a young person. On their website you can find resources and support to help you cope with any emotion you may feel after experiencing PSH.

Strut Safe was founded in March of 2021 and is an initiative to help anyone who feels unsafe when walking in public. They have volunteers based across the UK ready to take calls and stay on the line with you until you get in the door. Call 0333 335 0026

For information on where to get support, including specialist support for those from marginalised backgrounds, you can a full list on the Our Streets Now website.