Join Us



Volunteering with us can be really flexible and we will do our best to support you in the project that you would like to pursue. We are looking for people with around 4 hours per week to spare. Key projects and activities that volunteers can support or lead on are likely to include:

  • Design and/or copy writing for campaign materials, including videos and posters

  • Writing content for blogs and social media posts about sexual harassment in sports

  • Conducting research and summarising the results of research from other organisations

  • Building relationships with potential partners and securing opportunities for us to deliver training or talk about our work at events

  • Working with our ambassadors, and securing more ambassadors, on campaign materials or organising events

  • Developing and writing new resources, such as our template policy for gyms or our toolkit for sports clubs on tackling harassment


Our Streets Now: Higher Education is looking for volunteers to join the team as we prepare to launch our Campus Collective project. We are looking for people with around 3 hours per week to spare.

Roles Available in Higher Education 

  • Campus Collective Support 


We are looking for volunteers who can support at any stage of the grant-writing process including:

  • Collaborate with project leads to work out the priorities of potential funders and adapt project pitches accordingly

  • Consult on fundraising strategy across our initiatives and advise on the fundability of new projects

  • Identifying promising funding opportunities suited to projects and core costs

  • Proofread grant applications and provide feedback to maximise the chance of success


We are recruiting a Treasurer to sit on our Board of Non-Executive Directors. The role of a Board Member is voluntary, however all out-of-pocket travel and expenditure related to the Director role is reimbursed. The Treasurer provides financial oversight of OSN, including financial reporting and budget sign off.

University Students: Campus Collective Volunteers

Campus Collectives, like our old Higher Education Ambassador Scheme, encourage people who are at university to join the Our Streets Now movement and develop campaigns that are relevant and meaningful to students nationally and, importantly, local to you.

We will provide you with some start up materials, ideas for campaigns and help you develop campaigns for key moments in the year. We also provide you with a calendar at the beginning of the year with ‘key events’ including a day where collectives come together, 16 days of activism and international women’s day.

We have four current key campaign areas: Higher Education, Schools, Sports and High Streets and as a Campus Collective you could choose to focus on any of these campaign areas and develop related campaigns. Also if there is something specific you would like to do in your university let us know and we will do everything we can to support your plans!

Other Opportunities

We welcome speculative applications from people who have a passion for ending public sexual harassment and want to support us with campaigning, social media, education, operations (or anything you think you could help with)

To get in contact please email and include as much information as you can about

  1. Why you’re interested

  2. What kind of thing you’d like to support us with

  3. Your capacity

  4. Any relevant experience