
Campaign Specific Research

  • “They saw my fear and laughed” - Tackling Public Sexual Harassment in Education (2020)

    This report, explores school and university students, as well as recent graduates experience of public sexual harassment and the impact it had on their lives and education. Additionally, this research investigated students knowledge of schemes or university policies relating to public sexual harassment, as well as their priorities for change. This report also includes recommendations for addressing public sexual harassment in educational settings.

    Executive Summary - Schools

    Full Report - Schools

  • Our Streets Now: Higher Education - Student Safety Report (2022)

    This report, in parternship with The Tab Newspaper, investigated the prevalence and impact of public sexual harassment experienced by students, on and off campus. The research includes quantitative data from over 1,300 students across 71 different higher education institutions. The report also includes recommendations for how to tackle public sexual harassment within higher education institutions.  

    “They saw my fear and laughed” - Tackling Public Sexual Harassment in Education (2020)

    This report, explores school and university students, as well as recent graduates experience of public sexual harassment and the impact it had on their lives and education. Additionally, this research investigated students knowledge of schemes or university policies relating to public sexual harassment, as well as their priorities for change. This report also includes recommendations for addressing public sexual harassment in educational settings.

    Executive Summary - Higher Education

    Full Report

  • Experiences of Public Sexual Harassment in Exercise & Sport (2024)

    This report investigated the prevalence of public sexual harassment when exercising and doing sports in gyms, leisure centres, parks and on the streets, as well as adjustments made to avoid harassment and barriers to reporting. The report also includes recommendations to improve how incidents of public sexual harassment are responded to, as well as to tackle the culture that underpins these behaviours.

Academic Research

Scholars have been investigating Public Sexual Harassment in different fields (e.g. psychology, criminology, sociology, law, queer studies, nursing, geography, etc.) for many years. However the literature is still considerably lacking compared to other forms of gender-based violence. Previous academic literature on Public Sexual Harassment can be divided into four main categories: gender-based violence, policy-making, impacts and intersectionality. These reviews provide an overview of the research into these areas.

Gender-Based Violence

This review looks at a body of evidence to explore: what is the relationship between public sexual harassment (PSH) and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV)? This question speculates that different types of GBV (ranging from catcalls to rape) might be related - a proposition that Liz Kelly (1988) conceptualised as the ‘continuum of sexual violence’. The continuum remains a prominent idea as it is useful for showing that different forms of GBV are connected because of structural relations of power. 


This short literature review on public sexual harassment and policy-making aims at giving an overview of how this form of gender-based violence is tackled in public policy. While it briefly describes the cases of the United Kingdom and France, it mainly aims to stress the need for further research on policy-making against public sexual harassment.


Previous research shows that PSH can create long-lasting and cumulative impacts on the victims' well-being, including physical and psychological effects. The majority of people who suffered from PSH tend to consider it a degrading, objectifying, humiliating and threatening experience. The literature shows four main investigations regarding the impacts of PSH: psychological effects; mobility and access to public spaces; strategies used by people to limit the risk of being sexually harassed or avoid it completely; and responses to PSH acts.


Islamophobia and PSH

Previous literature demonstrates how veiled Muslim women are frequently at high risk of harassment, which has previously been considered an ‘invisible’ harm yet severely impacts the women’s access to public spaces and forces them to alter their routines, removing their autonomy. The punishment of veiled Muslim women for not performing gender the way such male perpetrators wish them to must be considered to allow for nuanced and thoroughly developed policies. Policymakers and practitioners should ensure that they involve Muslim women and other minoritised communities at every stage of development. Future research must be done to inform further our understanding of the intersectionality between misogyny and Islamophobia.

Racism and PSH

Academic research studying racialised experiences of PSH in the UK context are far and few between. The location of academic work is, in this case, incredibly important as racialised PSH is informed by racist stereotypes that are highly dependent on historical context. One thing most studies making mention of race agree on is that women of colour experience more PSH than white women and that their fear of escalation and violence is higher. 

Gender Expression, Sexuality and PSH

Little has been written about how queer/trans women and non-binary persons are impacted by PSH. Scholars have shown that queer women are more likely to encounter sexual harassment when perpetrators assume they are straight, and only become targets of homophobic harassment when identified as queer, at this point their experiences often become sexualised. Queer women or non-binary persons experiencing heterosexual harassment often feel invalidated in their gender and sexual identity. Trans women are at a far higher risk than either queer or heterosexual women for PSH acts, and it is unclear if queer women experience the same amount or more sexual harassment than straight women. Queer/trans women’s harassment tends to be spontaneous, while attacks on gay men tend to be premeditated and concentrated around gay spaces. Theoretical accounts explain that PSH is a form of gender policing due to queer/trans women and non-binary individuals violating the heterosexual matrix by existing. Visibly queer/trans women and non-binary persons live with a greater risk of being sexually harassed for transgressing gender roles in more ways than heterosexual women. This includes being fetishised for their sexuality or gender identity and threatened with punitive or corrective rape.

University Dissertations

Barradale, Alice. (2021) ‘Take the mask off sweet cheeks’: Exploring how Covid-19 has transformed women's experiences of street harassment. School of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex.

Farkas, Fruzsina. (2021) Gender-Based Violence Online: How does Gender-Based Violence Affect Young Women’s Every day, and How are They Using their Social Media Platforms to Voice and Fight Back Against Harassment? BA Thesis, School of Media, University of Brighton.


Tutton, Maya. (2021) Reclaiming The Public Sphere: Online Counter-public(s) Confronting Offline Public Sexual Harassment. BA Thesis, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Cambridge. 

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