Break the Silence, Break the Stigma.

Sometimes talking about PSH can be daunting and is often regarded to be a taboo subject, but we think breaking the silence is the first step to making a difference, on a personal level and on a larger scale.

Reporting can be in any way you see fit - there are lots of different ways we can break the silence surrounding PSH and it is whatever you feel is the most appropriate and comfortable for you.

Who can I report to?

There are specific platforms dedicated to reporting and recognising the prevalence of PSH that you can find here.

There are also platforms dedicated to testimonies of PSH which you can find on our empower page

If you are reporting to the police this is an important piece of legislation you should be aware of:

Protection from Sex-based Harassment in Public Act 2023

If you have experienced PSH at a venue or event, we have created email templates in order for you to bring it to the attention of officials at these sites and escalate the situation if you choose to

Reporting to a venue or event

Experiencing PSH can bring up a range of emotions of varying intensity and it is important to have a support system with whom we can talk about what’s happened and how it’s made us feel.

Talking to Family & Friends

Conversation Starters

I think I’ve just experienced PSH and I’m feeling _____

Something just happened to me, do you have a second to talk about it/listen?’’

I’m feeling really unsafe/angry/upset, I would appreciate talking about it

Not talking about public sexual harassment can mean we internalise these experiences and let them limit us and how we navigate the world. This silence can also allow for this behaviour to continue unchallenged. Speaking up, even if it is just to people in your circle, can be a huge step in the right direction and allow us to break the silence that PSH thrives in.