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We are thrilled to announce the first ambassador of our new sports campaign: GB Paralympic Champion, Charlotte Henshaw MBE. 

Charlotte is an absolute powerhouse - her full list of accolades includes; Paracanoe Paralympic Champion, eight-time World Champion and two-time Paralympic Swimming Medalist. 

Outside of competing, Charlotte is passionate about encouraging more young women and girls to engage in sport. She shares our vision to create a society where everyone can exercise free from public sexual harassment, intimidation or limiting gender stereotypes.

On her support of the campaign, Charlotte said; “I’ve been a long time follower of Our Streets Now and have always admired their tireless passion and the incredibly valuable work they have done across multiple areas.

As an elite athlete and someone who is passionate about ensuring exercise and sport are safer spaces for women, the results from this survey are deeply concerning. 

The sheer number of women who have reported experiencing sexual harassment while exercising, and just how many have had to make adjustments to their exercising habit shocked me. This is a clear indicator that more needs to be done to protect women in sports. 

I’m so pleased to be an ambassador for this campaign, working towards creating a safer future for women and girls who want to exercise and participate in sport.”

So keep your eyes peeled - there are exciting times ahead for this campaign. 

For more information on our sports campaign, visit:

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